Let us first know what PRP is and what its full form is.


Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, as it is commonly abbreviated, is plasma that has an approximately twice higher concentration of platelets than usual. PRP has been widely employed in orthopedic and other surgical procedures for the past several years. In a similar vein, PRP therapy for hair loss is also practiced. PRP therapy for hair loss is a popular technique for individuals experiencing hair loss in Delhi, NCR.

PRP, also known as platelet-rich plasma therapy, is a non-surgical treatment for hair loss that can successfully cure androgenetic alopecia in its early stages in both men and women. It’s among the safest methods to get hair growth back to its normal state.

How does it work?

Because PRP has a high concentration of growth factors, the place it is injected into has a greater capacity to recover with the help of hair treatment in Gaur City. Furthermore, it is because of these growth factors that stem cells are stimulated to begin neovascularization or the development of new blood vessels. PRP is frequently used to treat individuals who have lost their hair or who have had hair transplants. It accelerates the healing process during hair transplant surgery and promotes the development of hair transplants. 

To provide PRP therapy for hair loss, the patient provides 20 milliliters of venous blood, which is then delivered to a centrifugal machine for two cycles of centrifugation, from which platelet-rich plasma is extracted. For best effects, the patient is next given an injection of this platelet-rich plasma into the scalp. The blood’s normal platelet count typically falls between 1.5 and 2 lacs per milliliter; however, the PRP concentration is at least five times higher than normal.

PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

PRP therapy for hair loss is often used to reduce hair loss and boost hair density and thickness.

Furthermore, because PRP treatment shortens the healing time and speeds up the process of hair regeneration, it is frequently employed following hair transplant surgery. PRP is often used to stop the thinning and shrinking of hairs, which is the root cause of hair loss; it is not a substitute for hair transplant surgery. A hair transplant is the last resort for restoring natural hairs with all of their inherent characteristics and aesthetic appeal. PRP treatment, also known as platelet-rich plasma, plays a significant role in accelerating the healing process and promoting hair development in patients experiencing hair loss or following a hair transplant.

Advantages of PRP therapy for hair loss

Growth Factor Concentrate, or GFC

“Growth Factor Concentrate,” or GFC for short, is a pure, extremely safe, highly concentrated growth factor preparation made from your blood that is designed to produce better hair loss outcomes with laser hair removal in Noida Extension.

Your platelets, a kind of blood cell, hold a variety of growth factors. A select group of well-known scientists has succeeded in isolating these growth factors in high concentrations from your blood as Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC), which is prepared in a customized kit.

Your growth factors are injected directly into the scalp, where they are given at a high concentration to the hair root by GFC. 

Applying GFC produces

Is GFC superior to P-R-P (platelet-rich plasma)?

Treatment objectives and patient needs will determine which of GFC and P-R-P is best. Because GFC has a broader variety of growth factors, it may have more extensive effects on tissue regeneration. Platelets and their growth factors are the main focus of P-R-P. Selecting the best course of action is aided by speaking with a medical specialist with experience in hair restoration. This depends on the state of the patient and how they react to each therapy.

In whose cases would growth factor concentrate therapy be most appropriate?  

GFC treatment has equivalent benefits for boys and females with early or late signs of alopecia. But, it is crucial to have a professional doctor diagnose your scalp to be sure. They will provide you with advice on the best way to treat your hair loss.

Now I will tell you where you can get these treatments done.

Greetings from best dermatologist in Noida Extension, where expertise and beauty collide.

At Dermalinks, we think that individualized care combined with cutting-edge dermatological treatments may be powerful. Our clinic, which was founded by renowned dermatologist, dermatologo-surgeon, and skin laser expert Dr. Vidushi Jain, is a haven for people looking for the best medical care for skin and hair issues. The core values of Dr. Vidhushi Jain’s vision for Dermalinks are openness, state-of-the-art technology, and personalized care for each individual’s particular requirements.

Their goal is to be the go-to place for complete skin, hair, and nail care, combining cutting-edge medical knowledge with cutting-edge technological innovations to provide our customers with results that are both natural and long-lasting.

Their Objective

Why should you pick them?

It is crucial to put your health and fitness first in the fast-paced world of today. Here at Dermalinks, we recognize how important it is to have a committed and qualified staff to help you along your path to well-being. 

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